RFP Upload Checklist

This RFP Upload is for General Service RFPs ONLY. Pursuant to 13-1-99(A), Professional Service procurements are excluded from going through State Purchasing.

Please obtain the following before you attempt to submit your procurement request:

  1. RFP Title.
  2. Will the Award be Agency Specific or Statewide Price Agreement?
  3. Commodity Codes.     Search this spreadsheet for applicable codes.
  4. Draft RFP Document.
  5. RFP Authorization and Plan.
  6. SHARE Requisition.
  7. Agency memo. (Explain to us why you need this RFP.)
  8. Horizons Declination.
  9. Services Determination. (If applicable.)
  10. Recommended Sources. (If applicable.)
  11. DoIT Approval
  12. Any other supporting documents.

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RFP Upload
Enter the contact information for the person overseeing this procurement.

Agency * Start typing and select an option
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *

Previous Contract Number (if any)